Humanistic Approach to Human Resource Development in Economic Lean Circumstances Through Organizational Leadership Interventions
Human Resource Development, Humanistic Approach, Lean Circumstances, Lead- ership InterventionsAbstract
Human Resource Development (HRD) in an organization becomes extremely important especially in economic lean circumstances. This paper explores this aspect through the effectiveness that can be viewed through organizational Leadership Interventions (LI) in a global and multicultural context. After conjoining the evidences obtained through a survey and experimental study in the selected firms of Oman, this research paper highlights the humanistic approach by testing inter-connected submissions of working employees to contribute to effectiveness of the organization. For testing hypothesis we piloted a survey to evaluate and gauge employee’s responses workingin the same firm. For each scenario, inter class correlations and factorial design were conducted and it was found that the competitive organizations of today were marked with less resources to train and had more concern with the productivity and profit that matched with the self-serving entitled employee that support humanistic approach to HRD. The results obtained were by and large accepted from the survey that used validated variables of humanistic approach to support claims for the hypothesis and external validity
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