For Authors

MET Management Review (MMR) welcomes original papers from both academics and  practitioners   on   management.   Papers   based    on   theoretical/empirical   research   and experience    should satisfy    good    quality   research    and must    reflect    the    practical  applicabil ty/policy implications of the research. MMR’s articles/research papers will cover a wide range of topics that are relevant to different industries, management functions and geographic locations. The ideas should be presented after careful analysis and readers should be able to translate them into actions to be tested in the real world of business.


1) The Manuscripts should be in MS-Word format. Manuscripts must be d 1-inch margins with “Times New Roman, Font Size 12, black”.

2)  Two or more referees review all contributions by following the double blind system - that is, with the author's name and credentials deleted, so that the reviewers don't know who is authoring the work. The review process takes three weeks and the status would be known after three weeks of submission of the article. It is mandatory to mention a valid email address with content submitted online. We will acknowledge the receipt of your paper by email and an article id will be issued to the corresponding author. The author(s) should keep in mind that it would be mandatory to cite this id submitted online.

3)  In the first page of the paper (cover page), please provide full names (first, middle and last    names)    and full    addresses    (institute's    address    along    with designation    and correspondence address) along with em il address of the author(s).The author's name or affiliations should not appear anywhere else in the body of the manuscript, because our peer-review process is blinded.

4)  The actual paper should commence from the second page containing the title followed by the abstract, keywords and the main paper. The author's name should not be mentioned anywhere except in the first page (cover page).

5)  The Manuscripts should not be more than 5000 words. The manuscript should mention the time period in which the research was conducted.

6)  The abstract, followed by relevant keywords, should not be more than 300 words and should adequately describe the work and highlight its significance. The abstract should only include text. Avoid the use of abbreviations and references in the abstract.

7)  Every manuscript should be labeled as being:

•    A Research Paper

•    A Review

•    A Case Study

•    A  book Review

8) Tables should be numbered consecutively. The title of the table should be placed above the table. The source should be indicated at the bottom. Please provide table(s) as real table(s) with rows, columns and cells. Each piece of information should reside in its own cell.

9)  Figures should be numbered consecutively. Wherever necessary, the source should be indicated at the bottom. The figures should also be given relevant titles.

10)  All tables, charts, graphs, diagrams should be black and not in color. The images should be of high resolution and in black and white only. Number and complexity of such exhibits should be as low as possible. All charts and graphs should be drawn legibly and figures should be indicated in millions nd billions.

11)  References should be included at the end of the paper. All the references should be cited in the body of the text. References and citations should be strictly in APA style in all respects.

12)  Displayed formulae and mathematical equations should be numbered serially. Equations should be Type-written.

13)  Footnotes, italics, and quotation marks should be kept to the minimum.

14)  The primary heading should be in capitalized form (Uppercase), and boldface. The sub- headings bold. should be in title- case capitalization (first letter of each word in capital) and in bold

15)  Manuscripts not accepted for publication will not be sent back to contributors. Contributors whose papers are accepted or rejected will be informed by email only. Hence, it is mandatory to mention a valid email address with the submitted content.

16)  WE WILL NOT ACCEPT HARD COPIES OF THE PAPERS. The paper has to be submitted in MS-Word as well as in PDF format. There is no charge for submitting papers for blind review.

17)    Authors needing assistance should contact the Chief Editor, Dr. Swati Lodha at and Editor, Dr. Nirmala Joshi at


References and citations should be complete in all respects- strictly as per the APA style in order to enable readers to look up the source materials and most importantly, to demonstrate that your paper is well-researched and gives credit to the author(s) of the source materials. References should be included at the end of the paper. All the references should be cited in the body of the text and arranged in alphabetical order. Furthermore, page numbers should be given for books, journals whereas in case of web references, the details of the date last accessed should be provided. Keep uniformity in the references - example use p.14, p.16 (for single page references)  and pp. 14-38 for multiple-page references.

Links for APA style referencing -


•    Uniform Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12; Black

•    Tables Font: Times New Roman, Font Size 12;Black

•    The table title should be at the Top of the table

•    Figure(s) Font: Times N w Roman, Font Size 12

•    The Figure title should be at the Top of the Figure

•    Main Heading should be written as : RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

•    Sub Heading should be written as : Interpretation

•    In tables, raw codes should not appear. E.g. mmr_1, mac_3. The factors should be proper statements labeled as per the paper and need to be written rather than being presented in the form of SPSS codes.


To enable the Publisher to protect the copyright of the journal, authors must send a signed copy of the Author Disclosure Form. The Disclosure Forms has to be sent separately by each author from their respective email ids and the signatures should be attested by heads of their respective institutes. 


1)    After a paper is received, it is sent to the subject matter expert for blind review.

2)    The review process takes 3-4 weeks.

3)    The Editors reserve the right to accept or refuse an article for publication, without assigning any reasons.

4)    After the review process is completed, the authors will be informed about the decision of the reviewers by email.


1)    The paper reviewed and edited as per the suggestions by the experts is considered for publication.

2)    If a paper is accepted for publication, acceptance. the authors will be informed by email about the

3)    An electronic version of the manuscript in MS Word as well as in PDF would be required once the paper is accepted for publication.

4)    Each author of the paper will have to sign the Pre-Publication Author Disclosure Form and the scanned soft copy of this form (with signature of the authors) has to be submitted to the Editorial Office of MET Management Review. The format is enclosed here.

5)    Copyright of published articles will rest with MET Management Review.

6)    The final draft is subject to editorial amendments to suit the journal's requirements.

7)    Each paper. author will receive two copies of the Journal issue that carries his/her published


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