Leadership during Crisis – An analysis of how Women World Leaders have dealt COVID -19 crisis



  • Ms. Shweta Bane Professor, MET Institute of Management Author


Leadership, Soft Skill, Organization, Individual, Behaviors, Critical Situation


Leadership as a soft skill is most vital for any individual employed under any organization or entity. It underlines different behaviors that an individual displays while handling a critical situation. Since ages, Leadership as a characteristic has been associated with being Male Prerogative. Through this research we have tried to put forward how Female Leaders have taken over & successfully managed to deal with the crisis that came ahead of them. Here we exclusively focus on Female World Leaders who effectively managed the COVID – 19 Pandemic & also have highlighted their distinctive leadership styles.


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How to Cite

Leadership during Crisis – An analysis of how Women World Leaders have dealt COVID -19 crisis: DOI:10.34047/MMR.2020.8101. (2021). MET MANAGEMENT REVIEW, 8(1), 05-11. https://mmriom.com/index.php/mmr/article/view/65