Employee Engagement Through Employee Empowerment with Special Reference to Employee Working in Manufacturiing Industry Situated at North Karnataka Region



  • B. Anupama Associate Professor, Department of Management studies, Ballari Institute of Technology & Management Author


Employee engagement, Structural empowerment, Psychological empowerment, Manufacturing industry situated at North Karnataka .


Every organization should involve in identifying the Engagement levels of employees in their work. Engaged employees are uncopied competitive advantage for the organizations. Employees can be engaged by empowering them with well designated roles and by providing sufficient amount of autonomy while delivering their roles and responsibilities. The objective of present study is to analyze the relation between employee engagement and employee empowerment and also to find out, to what extent employee empowerment influence the engagement levels of employee at his/her workplace working in manufacturing industry. Factor analysis and regression analysis has been conducted to observe the total variance explained about the two phenomenon of the study and to analyze the effect of empowerment on engagement levels of employee.


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How to Cite

Employee Engagement Through Employee Empowerment with Special Reference to Employee Working in Manufacturiing Industry Situated at North Karnataka Region: DOI:10.34047/MMR.2020.10208. (2023). MET MANAGEMENT REVIEW, 10(2), 57-67. https://mmriom.com/index.php/mmr/article/view/11